1 (edited by mikeg 2018-08-26 10:22:10)

Topic: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release): 0.9.8
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: FreeBSD 11.2
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): MySQL
- Web server (Apache or Nginx): Nginx
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? Yes
- [IMPORTANT] Related original log or error message is required if you're experiencing an issue.

Attempting to install latest iRedMail on fresh FreeBSD 11.2 install, I did install sudo, proftpd and bash-static prior to running the 'bash iRedMail.sh' script.

The install script is bailing out with the following error:

===>  Installing for icu-62.1_2,1
===>  Checking if icu already installed
===>   Registering installation for icu-62.1_2,1 as automatic
Installing icu-62.1_2,1...
===>   postfix-3.3.1_1,1 depends on shared library: libicuuc.so - not found
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/mail/postfix
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/mail/postfix
<< ERROR >> Port was not successfully installed, please fix it manually and then re-execute this script.

I can change to /usr/ports/devel/icu and do "make install icu" and the pkg will install without any errors.  If I re-run the iRedMail.sh script, I get the following error:

===>  Installing for icu-62.1_2,1
===>  Checking if icu already installed
===>   icu-62.1_2,1 is already installed
      You may wish to ``make deinstall'' and install this port again
      by ``make reinstall'' to upgrade it properly.
      If you really wish to overwrite the old port of icu
      without deleting it first, set the variable "FORCE_PKG_REGISTER"
      in your environment or the "make install" command line.
*** Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /usr/ports/devel/icu
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/mail/postfix
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/mail/postfix
<< ERROR >> Port was not successfully installed, please fix it manually and then re-execute this script.

I added the FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=1 to the /user/ports/devel/icu/Makefile and re-ran the iRedMail.sh script.


I get the same error as before.

===>  Installing for icu-62.1_2,1
===>  Checking if icu already installed
===>   icu-62.1_2,1 is already installed

Kinda stumped on what to do next.


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

Still encountering error at ICU during install.  Did another fresh install of FreeBSD 11.2, ran freebsd-update etc, no additional packages installed (ie; sudo, proftpd) installed bash-4.x.x instead of static to prevent warnings during install.

iRedMail.sh script errors at the same point, icu-62.1_2,1


No change, same error at icu.

I can install debian no problem, but I'm a FreeBSD user and don't really want to maintain more than one Unix OS.    I paid for iRedAdmin-Pro but it appears that doesn't really get me any support for the core package?


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

I am having the same problem on FreeBSD 11.1. Clean install in a fresh jail. It doesn't seem to matter if ICU or postfix are already installed or not. the installer removes the packages, rebuilds (which takes quite a while), and fails to install.

===>  Installing for icu-62.1_2,1
===>  Checking if icu already installed
===>   icu-62.1_2,1 is already installed
      You may wish to ``make deinstall'' and install this port again
      by ``make reinstall'' to upgrade it properly.
      If you really wish to overwrite the old port of icu
      without deleting it first, set the variable "FORCE_PKG_REGISTER"
      in your environment or the "make install" command line.
*** Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /basejail/usr/ports/devel/icu
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /basejail/usr/ports/mail/postfix
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /basejail/usr/ports/mail/postfix
<< ERROR >> Port was not successfully installed, please fix it manually and then re-execute this script.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

Hi all,

I am getting same error, has anyone got the solution? I have the Pro version and still getting same error on install, I have tried several times without success


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

I'm clueless right now, but here's a way to get it through:

1: When it raised error, just install the package manually. for example, in first thread post, it says "/basejail/usr/ports/mail/postfix" failed, you just install it manually like this:

cd /basejail/usr/ports/mail/postfix
make install clean

2: Then update file "runtime/install.status" under iRedMail-0.9.8 directory, set:

export status_install_port_mail_postfix='DONE'

You should find "export status_install_port_mail_postfix='processing'" in same file, just replace 'processing' by 'DONE'.
Then re-run iRedMail installer:

bash iRedMail.sh


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

This is helpful, was able to move past 'postfix' install, error on 'nginx' and 'uwsgi' so will continue until I get to the end of the install script.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

[ INFO ] Installing port: security/amavisd-new (2018-08-26 13:58:48) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: mail/postfix (2018-08-26 15:01:18) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: www/nginx (2018-08-30 07:18:00) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: www/uwsgi (2018-08-30 07:26:27) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: lang/php71 (2018-08-30 07:29:18) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: archivers/php71-zip (2018-08-30 07:36:32) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: converters/php71-mbstring (2018-08-30 07:39:49) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: security/php71-mcrypt (2018-08-30 08:15:03) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: textproc/php71-pspell (2018-08-30 08:27:03) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: textproc/php71-dom (2018-08-30 08:31:14) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: security/clamav (2018-08-30 08:37:59) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: www/py-requests (2018-08-30 08:59:27) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: mail/roundcube (2018-08-30 09:00:19) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: databases/py-MySQLdb (2018-08-30 09:04:36) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: databases/py-sqlalchemy10 (2018-08-30 09:06:27) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: dns/py-dnspython (2018-08-30 09:10:53)

[ INFO ] Installing port: ftp/py-pycurl (2018-08-30 09:15:32) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: net-mgmt/netdata (2018-08-30 09:24:42) ...

<< ERROR >> Port was not successfully installed, please fix it manually and then re-execute this script.

Manually installed above failed ports and ran 'bash iRedMail.sh' until the end of the install script.

When prompted for a password for the MySQL server that failed but the script continued.  I checked for mysqld running,
it wasn't and in fact wasn't even installed. 

[ INFO ] Configure MySQL database server.
+ < DEBUG > Initialize MySQL server.
+ < DEBUG > Stop MySQL service before initializing database or updating my.cnf.
/usr/home/mikeg/files/iRedMail-0.9.8/conf/core: line 363: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server: No such file or directory
+ < DEBUG > Enable mysql service when system start up.
mysql_enable:  -> YES
mysql_optfile:  -> /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf
+ < DEBUG > Copy sample MySQL config file: /usr/local/share/mysql/my-default.cnf -> /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf.
cp: /usr/local/share/mysql/my-default.cnf: No such file or directory
+ < DEBUG > Disable 'skip-networking' in my.cnf.
Can't open /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf: No such file or directory.
+ < DEBUG > Set max_connections to 1024.
Can't open /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf: No such file or directory.
+ < DEBUG > Enable 'innodb_file_per_table' in my.cnf.
Can't open /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf: No such file or directory.
+ < DEBUG > Restart service: mysql-server.
/usr/home/mikeg/files/iRedMail-0.9.8/conf/core: line 363: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server: No such file or directory
+ < DEBUG > Sleep 10 seconds for MySQL daemon initialization ...
+ < DEBUG > Setting password for MySQL root user: root.
^Gmysqladmin: connect to server at '' failed
error: 'Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)'
Check that mysqld is running on and that the port is 3306.
You can check this by doing 'telnet 3306'
+ < DEBUG > Generate defauts file for MySQL client option --defaults-file: /root/.my.cnf.
+ < DEBUG > Delete anonymous database user.
+ < DEBUG > Generate sample SQL templates.
+ < DEBUG > Create database: vmail.
+ < DEBUG > Initialize database: vmail.
+ < DEBUG > Add first domain and postmaster@ user.

Looked at installed packages and mysql56-client had been installed and mysql57-server
was complaining.  Removed mysql56-client, installed mysql57-client and server manually.

Edited /runtime/install.status file to remove following:

export status_mysql_initialize_db="DONE"
export status_mysql_generate_defaults_file_root="DONE"
export status_mysql_grant_permission_on_remote_server="DONE"
export status_mysql_remove_insecure_data="DONE"
export status_mysql_import_vmail_users="DONE"
export status_mysql_cron_backup="DONE"
export status_mysql_setup="DONE"

Ran 'bash iRedMail.sh' again, this time it appeared to complete without warnings or errors.

Rebooted server and Amavis bailed with an error.  Uninstalled 2.11 and installed current 3.11.  Interesting to
note that Amavisd-new fetched by iRedMail installer depends on mysql56-client and that is installed causing the mysql57-server to
fail to install, but the iRedMail.sh script doesn't seem to detect this.

Rebooting the server and Amavis and Postfix throw errors and fail to start.

Still appears to be significant issues with iRedMail install on FreeBSD 11.x


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

I'm clueless right now, but here's a way to get it through:

1: When it raised error, just install the package manually. for example, in first thread post, it says "/basejail/usr/ports/mail/postfix" failed, you just install it manually like this:

cd /basejail/usr/ports/mail/postfix
make install clean

2: Then update file "runtime/install.status" under iRedMail-0.9.8 directory, set:

export status_install_port_mail_postfix='DONE'

You should find "export status_install_port_mail_postfix='processing'" in same file, just replace 'processing' by 'DONE'.
Then re-run iRedMail installer:

bash iRedMail.sh

Thanks for this info, I will try it now. Regarding the postfix manual installation, do you need to select any options? or just take de default?


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

mikeg wrote:

[ INFO ] Installing port: security/amavisd-new (2018-08-26 13:58:48) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: mail/postfix (2018-08-26 15:01:18) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: www/nginx (2018-08-30 07:18:00) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: www/uwsgi (2018-08-30 07:26:27) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: lang/php71 (2018-08-30 07:29:18) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: archivers/php71-zip (2018-08-30 07:36:32) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: converters/php71-mbstring (2018-08-30 07:39:49) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: security/php71-mcrypt (2018-08-30 08:15:03) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: textproc/php71-pspell (2018-08-30 08:27:03) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: textproc/php71-dom (2018-08-30 08:31:14) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: security/clamav (2018-08-30 08:37:59) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: www/py-requests (2018-08-30 08:59:27) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: mail/roundcube (2018-08-30 09:00:19) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: databases/py-MySQLdb (2018-08-30 09:04:36) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: databases/py-sqlalchemy10 (2018-08-30 09:06:27) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: dns/py-dnspython (2018-08-30 09:10:53)

[ INFO ] Installing port: ftp/py-pycurl (2018-08-30 09:15:32) ...

[ INFO ] Installing port: net-mgmt/netdata (2018-08-30 09:24:42) ...

<< ERROR >> Port was not successfully installed, please fix it manually and then re-execute this script.

Manually installed above failed ports and ran 'bash iRedMail.sh' until the end of the install script.

When prompted for a password for the MySQL server that failed but the script continued.  I checked for mysqld running,
it wasn't and in fact wasn't even installed. 

[ INFO ] Configure MySQL database server.
+ < DEBUG > Initialize MySQL server.
+ < DEBUG > Stop MySQL service before initializing database or updating my.cnf.
/usr/home/mikeg/files/iRedMail-0.9.8/conf/core: line 363: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server: No such file or directory
+ < DEBUG > Enable mysql service when system start up.
mysql_enable:  -> YES
mysql_optfile:  -> /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf
+ < DEBUG > Copy sample MySQL config file: /usr/local/share/mysql/my-default.cnf -> /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf.
cp: /usr/local/share/mysql/my-default.cnf: No such file or directory
+ < DEBUG > Disable 'skip-networking' in my.cnf.
Can't open /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf: No such file or directory.
+ < DEBUG > Set max_connections to 1024.
Can't open /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf: No such file or directory.
+ < DEBUG > Enable 'innodb_file_per_table' in my.cnf.
Can't open /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf: No such file or directory.
+ < DEBUG > Restart service: mysql-server.
/usr/home/mikeg/files/iRedMail-0.9.8/conf/core: line 363: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server: No such file or directory
+ < DEBUG > Sleep 10 seconds for MySQL daemon initialization ...
+ < DEBUG > Setting password for MySQL root user: root.
^Gmysqladmin: connect to server at '' failed
error: 'Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)'
Check that mysqld is running on and that the port is 3306.
You can check this by doing 'telnet 3306'
+ < DEBUG > Generate defauts file for MySQL client option --defaults-file: /root/.my.cnf.
+ < DEBUG > Delete anonymous database user.
+ < DEBUG > Generate sample SQL templates.
+ < DEBUG > Create database: vmail.
+ < DEBUG > Initialize database: vmail.
+ < DEBUG > Add first domain and postmaster@ user.

Looked at installed packages and mysql56-client had been installed and mysql57-server
was complaining.  Removed mysql56-client, installed mysql57-client and server manually.

Edited /runtime/install.status file to remove following:

export status_mysql_initialize_db="DONE"
export status_mysql_generate_defaults_file_root="DONE"
export status_mysql_grant_permission_on_remote_server="DONE"
export status_mysql_remove_insecure_data="DONE"
export status_mysql_import_vmail_users="DONE"
export status_mysql_cron_backup="DONE"
export status_mysql_setup="DONE"

Ran 'bash iRedMail.sh' again, this time it appeared to complete without warnings or errors.

Rebooted server and Amavis bailed with an error.  Uninstalled 2.11 and installed current 3.11.  Interesting to
note that Amavisd-new fetched by iRedMail installer depends on mysql56-client and that is installed causing the mysql57-server to
fail to install, but the iRedMail.sh script doesn't seem to detect this.

Rebooting the server and Amavis and Postfix throw errors and fail to start.

Still appears to be significant issues with iRedMail install on FreeBSD 11.x

Hi, Is this sorted? Should I try now?


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

agodinho wrote:
mikeg wrote:

Still appears to be significant issues with iRedMail install on FreeBSD 11.x

Hi, Is this sorted? Should I try now?

I gave up and installed Debian 9 for now, in the process of migrating my iRedMail/Pro production server over to this new machine.   When I have more time to deal with this I'll probably revisit the install and see if I can get a clean build. 

The bummer part is that this issue was present over a year ago under FreeBSD 11.x and at that time I really did not have any spare time to dive into the problem.  I don't think FreeBSD is that important of a platform to the developer(s) to warrant fixing it.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

mikeg wrote:
agodinho wrote:
mikeg wrote:

Still appears to be significant issues with iRedMail install on FreeBSD 11.x

Hi, Is this sorted? Should I try now?

I gave up and installed Debian 9 for now, in the process of migrating my iRedMail/Pro production server over to this new machine.   When I have more time to deal with this I'll probably revisit the install and see if I can get a clean build. 

The bummer part is that this issue was present over a year ago under FreeBSD 11.x and at that time I really did not have any spare time to dive into the problem.  I don't think FreeBSD is that important of a platform to the developer(s) to warrant fixing it.

I installed a few months ago version 0.9.7 on FreeBSD 11.1 without any issues, I am not sure what is happening now, is it a problem with the ports?


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

agodinho wrote:
mikeg wrote:
agodinho wrote:

Hi, Is this sorted? Should I try now?

I gave up and installed Debian 9 for now, in the process of migrating my iRedMail/Pro production server over to this new machine.   When I have more time to deal with this I'll probably revisit the install and see if I can get a clean build. 

The bummer part is that this issue was present over a year ago under FreeBSD 11.x and at that time I really did not have any spare time to dive into the problem.  I don't think FreeBSD is that important of a platform to the developer(s) to warrant fixing it.

I installed a few months ago version 0.9.7 on FreeBSD 11.1 without any issues, I am not sure what is happening now, is it a problem with the ports?

Not sure, maybe I'll get back to installing on FreeBSD 11.x down the road.  For now I'm migrating to the most current iRedMail/Pro and will run the mail server under Debian until I feel motivated to tackle this install issue on FreeBSD.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

agodinho wrote:
ZhangHuangbin wrote:

I'm clueless right now, but here's a way to get it through:

1: When it raised error, just install the package manually. for example, in first thread post, it says "/basejail/usr/ports/mail/postfix" failed, you just install it manually like this:

cd /basejail/usr/ports/mail/postfix
make install clean

2: Then update file "runtime/install.status" under iRedMail-0.9.8 directory, set:

export status_install_port_mail_postfix='DONE'

You should find "export status_install_port_mail_postfix='processing'" in same file, just replace 'processing' by 'DONE'.
Then re-run iRedMail installer:

bash iRedMail.sh

Thanks for this info, I will try it now. Regarding the postfix manual installation, do you need to select any options? or just take de default?

After doing the above, I now get this error:

===>   Registering installation for GeoIP-1.6.12 as automatic
Installing GeoIP-1.6.12...
GeoIP does not ship with the actual data files. You must download
them yourself! To obtain the free database, run:
# /usr/local/bin/geoipupdate.sh

===>   nginx-1.14.0_11,2 depends on shared library: libGeoIP.so - not found
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/www/nginx
<< ERROR >> Port was not successfully installed, please fix it manually and then re-execute this script.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

Not sure what changed in FreeBSD ports tree. I need to do some more research. sad
Currently, as a temporary solution, you have to install each packages manually.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

As a more long term solution could the install be changed from using ports to using packages. FreeBSD has those now. I have had several issues updating to the latest iRedMail release as well as just updating the ports on the daily security email. It is always the same issue. Something is updated in one of the ports then it fails to compile, even just by itself, then the server doesn't work. Roll back to the previous boot environment and try again next week.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

keegan wrote:

As a more long term solution could the install be changed from using ports to using packages.

pre-compiled packages don't have the compile options we need.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

It seems to be a FreeBSD ports issue independent of O/S version

When /usr/ports/sysutils/file is installed, /usr/ports/Mk/Scripts/find-lib.sh ends up using it if $PATH puts /usr/local/bin first - the result is that it gives this:

> file -b -L --mime-type /usr/local/lib/liblzo2.so

rather than what /usr/bin/file gives:

> /usr/bin/file -b -L --mime-type /usr/local/lib/liblzo2.so

When /usr/local/bin/file is used, this test in /usr/ports/Mk/Scripts/find-lib.sh fails:

[ "$(file -b -L --mime-type ${libfile})" = "application/x-sharedlib" ]

So, when any port Makefile uses the "LIB_DEPENDS= " construct, the port incorrectly rebuilds the dependency because it is marked as non-existent

Suggested fixes:

1. use absolute path in /usr/ports/Mk/Scripts/find-lib.sh:

   [ "$(/usr/bin/file -b -L --mime-type ${libfile})" = "application/x-sharedlib" ]

2. change test to also recognise "application/x-pie-executable" as a valid shared library object

3. change /usr/ports/sysutils/file to return "application/x-sharedlib" when a FreeBSD lib*.so shared library object is encountered

4. all of the above

this has been reported as a FreeBSD bug: https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_ … ?id=231554

18 (edited by gregory.engraf 2018-09-25 04:10:47)

Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

On my FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p3 #0 .../GENERIC amd64 with file-5.34
I see:

# file -b -L --mime-type /usr/local/lib/liblzo2.so
# /usr/bin/file -b -L --mime-type /usr/local/lib/liblzo2.so

that seems right.

But on bash iRedMail.sh I still see this:
Installing icu-62.1_2,1...
===>   postfix-3.3.1_1,1 depends on shared library: libicuuc.so - not found
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/mail/postfix
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/mail/postfix
<< ERROR >> Port was not successfully installed, please fix it manually and then re-execute this script.

And it happens regardless of whether or not icu-62.1_2,1 (and even postfix) has been installed.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

It seems some ports tree change impacts how iRedMail installer installs packages, but i didn't figure it out yet. sad

20 (edited by hostmaster 2018-09-26 02:17:36)

Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

It seems some ports tree change impacts how iRedMail installer installs packages, but i didn't figure it out yet. sad

the basic issue is that the "files" port gives a different result for "lib*.so" objects than the system /usr/bin/file tool does, which impacts the results of  the /usr/ports/Mk/Scripts/find-lib.sh utility - see my post above

as mentioned there is a bug report into FreeBSD ports altho it's not clear what or when they will do anything about it


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

gregory.engraf wrote:

On my FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p3 #0 .../GENERIC amd64 with file-5.34
I see:

# file -b -L --mime-type /usr/local/lib/liblzo2.so
# /usr/bin/file -b -L --mime-type /usr/local/lib/liblzo2.so

that seems right.

But on bash iRedMail.sh I still see this:
Installing icu-62.1_2,1...
===>   postfix-3.3.1_1,1 depends on shared library: libicuuc.so - not found
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/mail/postfix
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/mail/postfix
<< ERROR >> Port was not successfully installed, please fix it manually and then re-execute this script.

And it happens regardless of whether or not icu-62.1_2,1 (and even postfix) has been installed.

i discovered that portsnap will automatically revert such changes & also delete any backup copies and/or diff files if they are in the same  directories that it manages - so if you ran portsnap you will need to re-patch the Mk/Scripts/find-lib.sh utility


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

hostmaster wrote:

i discovered that portsnap will automatically revert such changes & also delete any backup copies and/or diff files if they are in the same  directories that it manages - so if you ran portsnap you will need to re-patch the Mk/Scripts/find-lib.sh utility

I did not apply your patch, just install sysutils/file from ports, unless this patch was added to the last portsnap.


Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

it could  be that the $PATH variable for your interactive shell is not the same as what iRedMail uses for its installs etc

try /usr/local/bin/file  -b -L --mime-type /usr/local/lib/libicuuc.so to see what  you get

24 (edited by gregory.engraf 2018-09-27 03:27:54)

Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

I have realized... There are two  file tools. First one is built into the system and is located in /usr/bin/file. Second one is building from ports by iredmail.sh and puts to /usr/local/bin/file. The first and the one that in pkg repository (have update it just now) have version 5.32. The second one - version 5.34.
So, when iredmail.sh has stoped on postfix install, I've delete file-5.34 and re-run script and it has begun to install postfix. Now it's installing further... Will report on result )

25 (edited by gregory.engraf 2018-09-27 15:39:57)

Re: install iRedMail-0.9.8 on fresh FreeBSD 11.2

After all, I decided to retry install on clean system. Before run the script I installed file from packages (pkg install file), and then installation passed well, except for a few moments:

  • www/py-requests was already installed. Removed and re-run script.

  • some php71-extension (required by roundcube) was not installed (libs was not found). Installed them manually:

    • php71-xml

    • php71-json

    • php71-intl

    • php71-filter

    • php71-fileinfo

    • php71-exif

Otherwise, everything passed well. After reboot iRedMail was workable.