1 (edited by Johnny007 2020-05-30 12:11:44)

Topic: geoiplookup: Command not found errors

I just did a Fresh Install on OpenBSD 6.6
After installation, I logged into the postmaster mailbox.
I'm getting the following email error, every minute on the minute.
Any help, please?

Subject: Cron <root@mx> /usr/local/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/fail2ban_banned_db unban_db
which: geoiplookup: Command not found.
which: geoiplookup6: Command not found.
/usr/local/bin/fail2ban_banned_db: line 176: mysql: command not found

- iRedMail version 1.2.1:
- Deployed with downloadable installer
- OpenBSD 6.6
- Store mail accounts in MariaDB
- Web server Nginx
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: geoiplookup: Command not found errors

Please install packages "GeoIP geolite-country" to fix it.

- These 2 packages should be installed by iRedMail installer automatically, not sure why it didn't on your server.
  https://github.com/iredmail/iRedMail/bl … es.sh#L450

- There's a bug in /usr/local/bin/fail2ban_banned_db, about line 57-58:

export CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP="$(which geoiplookup)"
export CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP6="$(which geoiplookup6)"

It doesn't redirect error to /dev/null, this causes variable CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP and CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP6 are not empty.
If you don't install above 2 packages, then please update these 2 lines like below:

export CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP="$(which geoiplookup 2>/dev/null)"
export CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP6="$(which geoiplookup6 2>/dev/null)"

This has been fixed in iRedMail development edition (locally) moment ago. Thanks for the feedback. smile


Re: geoiplookup: Command not found errors

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

Please install packages "GeoIP geolite-country" to fix it.

- These 2 packages should be installed by iRedMail installer automatically, not sure why it didn't on your server.
  https://github.com/iredmail/iRedMail/bl … es.sh#L450

Hi Zhang,

Thanks again for a quick update. So I checked and both those packages are installed. I reinstalled them.
I checked from terminal, I can run the commands geoiplookup and geoiplookup6.

Might be something else here?
I mean, I can edit code to make go to a NULL terminal for now, but could there still be an issue here?


Re: geoiplookup: Command not found errors

Ok, I edited the lines as well with /dev/null.
Still getting emails.

What do you suggest?
Shall I try the Dev version? Am I able to get this Dev version?


Re: geoiplookup: Command not found errors

Could you try to run it manually and show us full console output?

bash -xv /usr/local/bin/fail2ban_banned_db unban_db

6 (edited by Johnny007 2020-05-30 23:03:19)

Re: geoiplookup: Command not found errors

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

Could you try to run it manually and show us full console output?

bash -xv /usr/local/bin/fail2ban_banned_db unban_db

Hi again Zhang,

So first off, my apologies, I had restarted fail2ban services, but that didn't help. So I tried restarting the server, which now works with those two NULL DEVICE code edits. But I'm still getting that Third error in the email, and I also ran the command you asked and the output is below:


Subject: Cron <root@mx> /usr/local/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/fail2ban_banned_db unban_db
Message: /usr/local/bin/fail2ban_banned_db: line 176: mysql: command not found

Here is the full console output of the bash -xv command:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: Zhang Huangbin <zhb@iredmail.org>
# Puprpose:
#   - Store banned IP address in SQL db while it's banned by Fail2ban.
#   - Remove unbanned IP address from SQL db while it's unbanned by Fail2ban.
#   - Unban IP addresses which have column `remove=1`.

# Usage:
#   *) Store a banned IP address:
#       banned_db ban <ip> <ports> <protocol> <jail>
#       - <ip>: One IP address each time.
#       - <ports>: Network ports. Multiple ports must be separated by comma.
#       - <protocol>: `tcp` or `udp`.
#       - <jail>: Fail2ban jail name.
#   *) Remove an one or multiple unbanned IP addresses. Notes:
#       - it removes IP from all jails.
#       - multiple IP addresses must be separated by space.
#       banned_db unban <ip> [ip] [ip]
#   *) Cleanup a jail. When Fail2ban is stopping or restarting, `cleanup` will
#      be executed. Cleanup manually is supported too:
#       banned_db cleanup <jail>
#   *) Query SQL db and remove IP addresses which have `remove=1`.
#       banned_db unban_db
# Examples:
#   banned_db ban 110,143,993,995 tcp dovecot-iredmail
#   banned_db unban
#   banned_db cleanup dovecot-iredmail
#   banned_db unban_db

# Sample Fail2ban jail config file (/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/xx.local):
#   [jail-name]
#   ...
#   action = ...[your other actions here]...
#            banned_db[name=jail-name, port="80", protocol=tcp]
# WARNING: the name set in `banned_db[name=]` must be same as the jail name.

export DB_NAME="fail2ban"
+ export DB_NAME=fail2ban
+ DB_NAME=fail2ban
export DB_TABLE="banned"
+ export DB_TABLE=banned
+ DB_TABLE=banned
export DB_USER="fail2ban"
+ export DB_USER=fail2ban
+ DB_USER=fail2ban

# GeoIP
export CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP="$(which geoiplookup 2>/dev/null)"
++ which geoiplookup
+ export CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP=/usr/local/bin/geoiplookup
+ CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP=/usr/local/bin/geoiplookup
export CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP6="$(which geoiplookup6 2>/dev/null)"
++ which geoiplookup6
+ export CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP6=/usr/local/bin/geoiplookup6
+ CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP6=/usr/local/bin/geoiplookup6

if [ -f /root/.my.cnf-fail2ban ]; then
    export CMD_SQL="mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf-fail2ban ${DB_NAME}"
    export DB_TYPE="mysql"
elif [ -f /root/.my.cnf ]; then
    export CMD_SQL="mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf ${DB_NAME}"
    export DB_TYPE="mysql"
    # Absolute path to ~/.pgpass
    #   - RHEL:             /var/lib/pgsql/.pgpass
    #   - Debian/Ubuntu:    /var/lib/postgresql/.pgpass
    #   - FreeBSD:          /var/db/postgres/.pgpass
    #   - OpenBSD:          /var/postgresql/.pgpass
    for dir in \
        /var/lib/pgsql \
        /var/lib/postgresql \
        /var/db/postgres \
        /var/postgresql; do
        if [ -f ${dir}/.pgpass ]; then
            export PGPASSFILE="${dir}/.pgpass"
            export CMD_SQL="psql -U ${DB_USER} -d ${DB_NAME}"
            export DB_TYPE="pgsql"
+ '[' -f /root/.my.cnf-fail2ban ']'
+ export 'CMD_SQL=mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf-fail2ban fail2ban'
+ CMD_SQL='mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf-fail2ban fail2ban'
+ export DB_TYPE=mysql
+ DB_TYPE=mysql

if [ X"${CMD_SQL}" == X'' ]; then
    echo "No MySQL or PostgreSQL related config file found. Abort."
    echo " - MySQL: /root/.my.cnf-fail2ban (or /root/.my.cnf)"
    echo " - PostgreSQL: ~/.pgpass (under PostgreSQL daemon user's home directory)"
    exit 255
+ '[' 'Xmysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf-fail2ban fail2ban' == X ']'

export _action="$1"
+ export _action=unban_db
+ _action=unban_db

if [[ X"${_action}" == X"ban" ]]; then

    if [[ X"${_ip}" == X'' ]] || \
        [[ X"${_ports}" == X'' ]] || \
        [[ X"${_protocol}" == X'' ]] || \
        [[ X"${_jail}" == X'' ]]; then
        echo "IP, ports, protocol, or jail name is empty. Abort."
        exit 255


    # Lookup for country name.
    if echo ${_ip} | grep ':' &>/dev/null; then
        if [[ -x ${CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP6} ]]; then
            _country="$(${CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP6} ${_ip} | grep '^GeoIP Country Edition:' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}')"
        if [[ -x ${CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP} ]]; then
            _country="$(${CMD_GEOIPLOOKUP} ${_ip} | grep '^GeoIP Country Edition:' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}')"

    if [ X"${DB_TYPE}" == X'mysql' ]; then
        ${CMD_SQL} <<EOF
INSERT IGNORE INTO ${DB_TABLE} (ip, ports, protocol, jail, hostname, country) VALUES ('${_ip}', '${_ports}', '${_protocol}', '${_jail}', '${_hostname}', '${_country}');
        # CentOS 7 ships PostgreSQL-9.2 which doesn't support `ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING`,
        # so we query it first, insert it if not existing.
        (${CMD_SQL} <<EOF
SELECT id FROM ${DB_TABLE} WHERE ip='${_ip}' AND ports='${_ports}' AND protocol='${_protocol}' AND jail='${_jail}' LIMIT 1;
) | grep '1 row' &>/dev/null

        if [[ X"$?" == X'0' ]]; then
            echo "Already banned."
            ${CMD_SQL} >/dev/null <<EOF
INSERT INTO ${DB_TABLE} (ip, ports, protocol, jail, hostname, country) VALUES ('${_ip}', '${_ports}', '${_protocol}', '${_jail}', '${_hostname}', '${_country}');
            echo "Stored."

elif [[ X"${_action}" == X"unban" ]]; then
    shift 1

    if [[ X"${_ips}" == X'' ]]; then
        echo "No IP address(es) specified."
        for _ip in ${_ips}; do
            ${CMD_SQL} <<EOF

        [[ X"$?" == X'0' ]] && echo "Removed."

elif [[ X"${_action}" == X"cleanup" ]]; then

    if [[ X"${_jail}" != X'' ]]; then
        ${CMD_SQL} <<EOF
DELETE FROM ${DB_TABLE} WHERE jail='${_jail}';

    [[ X"$?" == X'0' ]] && echo "All IP addresses have been removed."
elif [[ X"${_action}" == X"unban_db" ]]; then
    # Call fail2ban-client to unban given IP address(es).

    # Exclude extra info on output, just leave jail/ip.
    (${CMD_SQL} <<EOF
SELECT jail, ip FROM ${DB_TABLE} WHERE remove=1;
) | grep -Ev '(jail.*ip|\--|\(|^$)' | tr -d '|' >> ${tmp_file}

    while read jail ip; do
        # Avoid SQL injection: don't allow whitespace, ';', quotes in
        # jail name and IP address.
        if echo ${jail} | grep "[ ;\"\']" &>/dev/null; then
            echo "[WARNING] Invalid jail name: '${jail}'."

        if echo ${ip} | grep "[ ;\"\']" &>/dev/null; then
            echo "[WARNING] Invalid IP address: '${ip}'."

        # fail2ban-client returns number of processed rows on command line,
        # let's discard it to avoid noise/confusion.
        fail2ban-client set ${jail} unbanip ${ip} >/dev/null
        [[ X"$?" == X'0' ]] && echo "Unbanned ${ip} from jail [${jail}]."
    done < ${tmp_file}
    rm -f ${tmp_file} &>/dev/null
+ [[ Xunban_db == X\b\a\n ]]
+ [[ Xunban_db == X\u\n\b\a\n ]]
+ [[ Xunban_db == X\c\l\e\a\n\u\p ]]
+ [[ Xunban_db == X\u\n\b\a\n\_\d\b ]]
++ mktemp
+ tmp_file=/tmp/tmp.gOsUnwGfLd
+ grep -Ev '(jail.*ip|\--|\(|^$)'
+ tr -d '|'
+ mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf-fail2ban fail2ban
+ read jail ip
+ rm -f /tmp/tmp.gOsUnwGfLd


Re: geoiplookup: Command not found errors

Seems running it manually works fine, so the problem is the PATH variable.

Please add one line above first “export ...” line like below:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH

This should fix the “command not found” issue.


Re: geoiplookup: Command not found errors

I will try this, when I switch back to OpenBSD. Currently experimenting with Debian and having errors. I posted the error, would love your input on that?