Topic: Clarifying Forwards vs Aliases vs Lists

- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release): 1.3.1
- Deployed with iRedMail Easy or the downloadable installer? Installer
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Centos 8
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): MariaDB
- Web server (Apache or Nginx): Nginx
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? No
- [IMPORTANT] Related original log or error message is required if you're experiencing an issue.

I'm trying to fully understand the differences between three different documentation pages.
A. https://docs.iredmail.org/sql.create.mail.alias.html
B. https://docs.iredmail.org/sql.user.mail.forwarding.html
C. https://docs.iredmail.org/user.alias.address.html

I understand these three things all do subtly different things, and I've been doing some tests with them, but I'd like to better understand the nuances / intended uses.

Process A, Create a Mail Alias Account functionally creates an account record in the "alias" table, and a corresponding entry in the "forwardings" table with the is_list boolean set.

Process B, Set Mail Forwarding creates an entry in the "forwardings" table with the is_forwarding boolean set.

Process C, User Alias Address, also creates such an entry, but with the is_alias boolean set.

So in summary, all create an entry in "forwardings", each setting a different flag, and the first also creates an entry in "alias".

My guess would be that:
- A is used to create an recipient address that is used to distribute to several existing users (what Exchange would call a Distribution List)
- B is used when you want a user to appear to be local, but they are actually on a different mail domain (e.g. john.smith@mycorp.com should appear to be part of mycorp, but is actually routed to john.smith@gmail.com)
- C is used for when a user should have two addresses for his mailbox (john.smith@... and jsmith@...)

Is this (even roughly) correct? If not, what's the difference in the way all these flags are handled?

PS: and of course there's separate subscribable mailing list capability using mlmmj, which, as I understand it, is an entirely different thing. Right?


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.

2 (edited by evenmoreconfused 2020-10-09 02:59:20)

Re: Clarifying Forwards vs Aliases vs Lists

So I have now found this https://forum.iredmail.org/post70631.html#p70631 providing an explanation to a similar query last year.

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

If you don't update "is_X" column, the mail forwarding function should work as well, but iRedAdmin-Pro may be messy because these "is_X" columns are mainly used by iRedAdmin-Pro.

For example, "is_alias=1" means this sql record is a per-account alias address, if you set it to 0 ("is_alias=0"), iRedAdmin-Pro will not list the "forwarding" address (value of "forwardings.forwarding" column) in user profile page (under tab "Aliases").

Postfix doesn't query "is_X" columns in /etc/postfix/mysql/*.cf, so it doesn't impact mail flow.

Does this mean that the actual operation of the record in postfix will be the same, regardless of any settings of the is_... flags?


Re: Clarifying Forwards vs Aliases vs Lists

evenmoreconfused wrote:

Process A, Create a Mail Alias Account functionally creates an account record in the "alias" table, and a corresponding entry in the "forwardings" table with the is_list boolean set.

Process B, Set Mail Forwarding creates an entry in the "forwardings" table with the is_forwarding boolean set.

Process C, User Alias Address, also creates such an entry, but with the is_alias boolean set.

- Mail alias account is a "forward" only account, it doesn't have a mailbox and it forwards all received emails to memebers. There's some simple access control for mail alias account offered by iRedAPD.
- Mail forwarding is a per-user mail forwarding, used to forward received emails to some other addresses. Note: this is used by user account, and user has a mailbox, you can choose to save a forwarded message in the mailbox. But mail alias account doesn't have such option.
- User alias address is a per-user "shadow" address. Emails sent to user alias addresses go to the user's mailbox instead of a separated one.
- Subscribeable mailing list has more access control and options, you can also control the mail headers, this is not available in above 3 options because they're simple forwarding.