Topic: Installation switch "--noipv6" ?

Hi there,

I always run into issues on vHosts that do not allow IPv6 for their guests. Can I turn off IPv6 for the installation so this is being considered as well when Dovecot is being set up? Because this would fail if my system has no IPv6.



Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Installation switch "--noipv6" ?

Did you ever try iRedMail installation on such vHosts?

iRedMail installers checks ipv6 during installation, and update Postfix/Nginx config files with/without ipv6 support. FYI
https://github.com/iredmail/iRedMail/bl … #L683-L688

If you don't want to disable ipv6 support directly, or it doesn't correctly detects IPv6, you can remove line 685-688 directly.

ping6 -c 1 ::1 &>/dev/null
if [ X"$?" == X'0' ]; then


Re: Installation switch "--noipv6" ?

I ran into the same issue again and again, even when removing the lines as suggested. But I could find out that it might be related to the case that the installation was LXC based. When switching towards KVM the installation finished without any errors.


Re: Installation switch "--noipv6" ?

What error did you get?


Re: Installation switch "--noipv6" ?

It was always the same:

1. The installation file stopped at the Dovecot setup. Then I changed the Dovecot config manually in order to only do IPv4 and restarted the setup script. It continued in the place it stopped before.

2. The next thing that happened was the iRedAdmin did not start due to some AppArmor issue that i manually tidied up by setting UWSGI to aa-complain (https://forum.iredmail.org/post89244.html#p89244).

Then it worked.

Now by running a KVM machine instead of a LXC container the setup script simply ran through without any complaint.