Tallaril wrote:Any time i create a new user / mailbox / domain, it creates a new vmail folder, taht means my mailbox path is /home/virtual/vmail/vmail. All works well, but tis is very ugly, is there any chance to change this except of new installation?
Reference: http://www.iredmail.org/forum/post15119.html#p15119
Tallaril wrote:Second: New generated Mailboxes have the timestamp of the creation-date, like: user-2012. Is there any way to disable this timestamp?
It depends on the tools/scripts you used to create mail accounts, it's tunable in iRedMail shipped shell/python scripts and iRedAdmin (file libs/settings.py, variable MAILDIR_APPEND_TIMESTAMP).
I'd like to explain why we append timestamp before you disable it. The key point is, deleting mail accounts with iRedAdmin will not remove the mailboxes on file system.
Think about this situation:
- You employee, Michael Jordan, has email address mj@domain.ltd. Without timestamp in maildir path, the maildir path of his mailbox looks like this: .../domain.ltd/mj/.
- Michael left company, and your company deleted his mail account. With iRedAdmin, it just deletes mail accounts in LDAP/SQL server, it won't delete his mailbox on file system.
- A new talent joined in, his name is Mike Jackson, he want to use 'mj@domain.ltd' as email address since 'mj' is not used by others. And you created it for him. Without timestamp in maildir path, the maildir path of Mike's mailbox is the same as Michael's: .../domain.ltd/mj/.
iRedAdmin doesn't remove the mailboxes on file system, so Mike will see all emails in Michael's mailbox if Michael didn't delete them. To avoid this, we append a timestamp in maildir path. That's why.
Hope it helps. 
I pasted above explanation in wiki moment ago:
http://iredmail.org/wiki/index.php?titl … ildir.path