Topic: [FAQ] How to dump disclaimer text from LDAP/MySQL automaticly.
Signing disclaimer on outgoing mails is available in iRedMail/iRedOS-0.5.0 and later, users upgrade from 0.4.0 or even older versions can add this feature manually with steps explained in our Upgrade Tutorial (0.4.0 -> 0.5.0).
For how to enable disclaimer in iRedMail, please refer to this FAQ item: [FAQ] How to enable signing disclaimer on outgoing mails?
Currently, only LDAP backend is supported.
iRedAdmin-v1.1.0+ ships python script used to dump disclaimer text from OpenLDAP server. Below is steps to use it:
Find script in iRedAdmin installation directory, default is /var/www/iredadmin/tools/
Open it and edit below variables
# -------------------------- Settings ------------------------------
# Directory used to store disclaimer files.
# Default directory is /etc/postfix/disclaimer/.
# Default disclaimer file name is [domain_name].txt
DISCLAIMER_DIR='/etc/postfix/disclaimer' # NOT need to end with slash ('/').
# Debug: True, False
# * If set to True, cron daemon will send output message to root user.
DEBUG = False
# Backend used to store disclaimer: ldap, mysql.
# LDAP Settings. Required if you use LDAP backend.
# LDAP server address.
LDAP_URI = 'ldap://'
# LDAP base dn.
LDAP_BASEDN = 'o=domains,dc=iredmail,dc=org'
# LDAP bind dn & password.
# * Only READ permission is requied for dumping disclaimer text.
# * Use 'cn=vmailadmin' or 'cn=Manager' is *NOT* recommended.
# * 'cn=vmail' IS recommended.
# TIP:
# You can find password for 'cn=vmail' in /etc/postfix/ldap_*.cf.
LDAP_BINDDN = 'cn=vmail,dc=iredmail,dc=org'
LDAP_BINDPW = 'WEx7NAeBV9WrAPbGpehyN2pwymvTe5'
Add one more crontab job for root user.
# crontab -e -u root
*/1 * * * * python /var/www/iredadmin/tools/
Note: Here we make it dump disclaimer every minute (*/1), you can change it to other interval you like, such as every 5 minutes (*/5), 30 minutes (*/30).
Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.