Topic: AWStats does not work /Apache 2.4/

- iRedMail version: 0.9.0
- Store mail accounts in which backend :MySQL Apache 2.4
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: FreeBSD 9.3
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:
AWStats does not work, on the E-mail "postmaster" has received letters

Cron <root@test> perl /usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=smtp -update >/dev/
Can't open perl script "standard": No such file or directory

Cron <root@test> /usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/www/iredadmin/tools/cleanup_amavisd_db.
* [2014-12-04 02:01:01] Backend: mysql
* [2014-12-04 02:01:01] Delete quarantined mails which older than 7 days
* [2014-12-04 02:01:02] Delete incoming/outgoing emails which older than 3 days
* [2014-12-04 02:01:02] + Delete from table `msgrcpt`.
* [2014-12-04 02:01:02] + Delete from table `msgs`.
* [2014-12-04 02:01:02] Delete unreferenced records from table `msgrcpt`.
* [2014-12-04 02:01:02] Delete unreferenced records from table `quarantine`.
* [2014-12-04 02:01:02] Delete unreferenced records from table `maddr`.
* [2014-12-04 02:01:02] Delete unreferenced records from table `mailaddr`.

Cron <root@test> perl /usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=smtp -update >/dev/n
Can't open perl script "standard": No such file or directory

Cron <root@test> newsyslog
newsyslog: pid file doesn't exist: /var/run/dovecot/master.pid


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: AWStats does not work /Apache 2.4/

I will try to reproduce these 2 issues and come back to you later.


Re: AWStats does not work /Apache 2.4/

3m wrote:

newsyslog: pid file doesn't exist: /var/run/dovecot/master.pid

Cannot reproduce this issue. if Dovecot service is running, it will store its PID number in /var/run/dovecot/master.pid, so the question is, is your Dovecot service running?

# ls -l /var/run/dovecot/master.pid 
-rw-------  1 root  wheel  5 Dec 10 17:02 /var/run/dovecot/master.pid
3m wrote:

Cron <root@test> perl /usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=smtp -update >/dev/
Can't open perl script "standard": No such file or directory

Cannot reproduce this issue either.

Run the command manually, got output like below:

# perl /usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=smtp -update
Create/Update database for config "/usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/awstats.smtp.conf" by AWStats version 7.3 (build 20140126)
From data in log file "perl /usr/local/www/awstats/tools/maillogconvert.pl standard < /var/log/maillog |"...
Phase 1 : First bypass old records, searching new record...
Searching new records from beginning of log file...
Jumped lines in file: 0
Parsed lines in file: 4
Found 0 dropped records,
Found 0 comments,
Found 0 blank records,
Found 0 corrupted records,
Found 4 old records,
Found 0 new qualified records.

I switched 2 Awstats cron jobs to run every minute, no notification email at all.


Re: AWStats does not work /Apache 2.4/

# perl /usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=smtp -update
Create/Update database for config "/usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/awstats.smtp.conf" by AWStats version 7.3 (build 20140126)
From data in log file "perl  standard < /var/log/maillog |"...
Can't open perl script "standard": No such file or directory
Phase 1 : First bypass old records, searching new record...
Searching new records from beginning of log file...
Error: Command for pipe 'perl  standard < /var/log/maillog |' failed
Setup ('/usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/awstats.smtp.conf' file, web server or permissions) may be wrong.
Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs' directory).
root@test:~ #


Re: AWStats does not work /Apache 2.4/

3m wrote:

From data in log file "perl  standard < /var/log/maillog |"...

It doesn't have "/usr/local/www/awstats/tools/maillogconvert.pl" between "perl" and "standard".
Did you choose to install Awstats during iRedMail installation?