Topic: Postfix in iRedMail

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version: 0.9.0
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL):
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version:
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:

Though iRedMail being the perfect mailing solution, I was wondering If iRedMail uses postfix.

I went to the main.cf file in postfix and was surprised to see that everything was just commented out, be it $myorigin, $myhostname, etc. These variables need to reflect the relevant values for the SMTP daemon to work.

So my question is If iRedMail is using the postfix services to send the mail then what happened to the main.cf file? Why can't I see the corresponding values inside the configuration file.

I'm just learning everything right from scratch. Not sure how postfix works in iRedMail. A hint towards right direction would be highly welcome. Thanks for the support.


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

Yes it uses Postfix. post the file here and we can see what you are talking about


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

An apology, just forgot to see the bottom for all the new changes were made at the bottom by iRedMail, I guess. The configuration seems to be fine.

I was concerned about this whole thing because the MUA shows the mail's successfully sent but can't find the mail at the recipient side.

It was working fine 2 days back until I just added new additional domain in the SPF record using the 'include' keyword.

Now It seems the mails are being refused. Not sure If that's because of the new domain added in the SPF as permitted domain to send the mail. I just removed the new added domain from the SPF but still the problem persists.

The following is error that was returned from sent mail:
Reporting-MTA: dns; server1.buyherbalife.co.in
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 017AB114640
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; kunal@buyherbalife.co.in
Arrival-Date: Fri,  6 Mar 2015 17:18:54 +0100 (CET)

Final-Recipient: rfc822; vtusimplified@gmail.com
Original-Recipient: rfc822;vtusimplified@gmail.com
Action: failed
Status: 4.4.1
Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; connect to[]:10024: Connection


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

Could you check whether amavisd is running? On ubuntu the check is like

# service amavis status


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

I ran "service amavisd status"

and got this

amavisd dead but subsys locked


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

Just restarted the concerned service and things back on track. Was wondering If this is normal or something specific caused the amavis service to stop


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

Off topic: is it possible to somehow send mails from multiple domains using a single hostname with iRedMail.

Say, for example, sending mail with from: xyz.com from the server with abc.com hostname.

Can this be done with iRedMail or is just something out of iRedMail domain?


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

iRedAdmin allows you to add multiple domains, is this not what you want?
Amavis shouldn't crash but I did personally have an issue with it dying once a day at the same time, let me know if you encounter this issue.


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

So can It be used to provide mailing facility as well for multiple domain? If so can you please tell me how? I'm trying to use multiple domains to send mail from the given VPS taking care of spam at the same time. I hope you got me?


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

And Thanks for the continued support!


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

Log into iRedAdmin, and add a new domain, then you should be able to send from any account you create in that domain. To receive you will have to set mx records for that domain


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

It supports an unlimited amount of domains


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

Thanks, I check with that. If anything goes wrong, I'll put the best of my effort to rectify before I post here. I know It's asking for too much from iRedMail support If I'm posting too many queries. Till then, thanks.


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

The domain you set up in the installer acts no different to the ones you add later on, if you have any issues don't hesitate to reply here


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

sure man, thanks


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

1. Amavis seems to be crashing quite frequently (Crashed twice since my last post)

2. Adding new domain working like charm. Can send mails using any domains that I want (so far tried one domain and It works).

Now in reference to the 2nd point, I could see that the SPF status says 'Pass.' But not sure If that's because of the domain added from the iredadmin interface or because I updated the DNS zone TXT file for the concerned domain.

If the SPF values are being taken from the DNS zone file that I updated then why is it not showing anything for DKIM for I've updated the TXT value with the DKIM created by iRedMail as well.

It should show Pass value for DKIM as well. The whole point is that I want the new domain added to be DKIM signed as well so as to pass through any SPAM filter.

Not sure how It would work with iRedMail? Do I need OpenDKIM or something that I'm not aware of?


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

The dkim created in the installer is for the first domain only
To create more,http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php?title=IRedMail/FAQ/Enable.DKIM.Signing.For.New.Mail.Domain/RHEL
I'll need to ssh into your box to debug amavis
Spf is purely on the DNS zone, the dkim of the DNS and the server have to match. It's a trust relationship


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

So how do I share the login credentials for the SSH?


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

Email me at
postmaster _at_ webdevguru.co.uk


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

sent, please check


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

I'll be home in fifteen minutes and run amavis debugging shortly after, often it's a permission issue


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

no problem, thanks


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

I'm logged in now, started it, waiting for it to die


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

Now, it's dead it seams


Re: Postfix in iRedMail

It seems to me like you don't have enough memory on your server;

Mar  8 17:20:08 server1 amavis[11524]: (11524-02) (!)connect to /tmp/clamd.socket failed, attempt #1: Can't connect to a                  UNIX socket /tmp/clamd.socket: Connection refused
Mar  8 17:20:08 server1 amavis[11524]: (11524-02) (!)ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED: run_av error: Too many retries to t                 alk to /tmp/clamd.socket (All attempts (1) failed connecting to /tmp/clamd.socket) at (eval 116) line 608.\n
Mar  8 17:20:08 server1 amavis[11524]: (11524-02) (!)WARN: all primary virus scanners failed, considering backups
Mar  8 17:20:08 server1 postfix/smtp[11696]: 6B97511464F: to=<vtusimplified@gmail.com>, relay=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com                 []:25, delay=1.2, delays=0.01/0/0.78/0.43, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1425831610 s30si15860669qg                 e.45 - gsmtp)
Mar  8 17:20:08 server1 postfix/qmgr[1715]: 6B97511464F: removed
Mar  8 17:20:09 server1 amavis[11520]: (!)Net::Server: 2015/03/08-17:20:09 Bad fork [Cannot allocate memory]\n  at line                  145 in file /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Net/Server/PreForkSimple.pm
Mar  8 17:20:09 server1 amavis[11524]: (11524-02) (!)TempDir removal: tempdir is to be PRESERVED: /var/spool/amavisd/tmp                 /amavis-20150308T171615-11524-cN4zx7VC


Mar  8 17:24:35 server1 clamd[11890]: daemonize() failed: Cannot allocate memory
Mar  8 17:24:35 server1 clamd[11890]: Socket file removed.