7,201 Closed: Sogo cannot send message: (smtp) originator not accepted

by good4xp ( Pages 1 2 )

7,202 Closed: Request document for manual installation

by dommyet

7,203 Disable sasl

by carlosdias98

7,205 compatiable with Apple

by pbf343

7,207 LDAP and Apache directroy studio

by jon.hoffart

7,208 Upgrading apache to 2.4

by bmdivakar

7,209 Install phpMyAdmin on iRedMail 0.9.5-1!

by nothingelse2013

7,210 Merging email servers

by cvcvelo

7,211 Closed: increasing vsz_limit

by bmdivakar

7,212 Closed: iRedMail 0.9.5 awstat not login

by nothingelse2013

7,215 error in ldap

by juanmpo

7,217 Unlimited mail quota allocation

by bmdivakar

7,218 iRedAdmin SSL (subdomain) cert issues

by deltabravo191

7,219 cron.daily logrotate

by fchansen

7,220 iRedmail custom install

by maario

7,222 Closed: unsecure smtp 25

by i.yermashov

7,223 Strange Spam Results

by Animatrix

7,225 User's login not working in SOGo

by ketan.aagja

7,226 Closed: Cannot get PHP to work

by Shukaze

7,227 business continuity

by deltatango

7,228 Closed: Integration with Active Directory

by misieq