1,621 Migration CentOS to Rocky

by evenmoreconfused

1,623 Greylisting triplets

by jwegge

1,624 Closed: fail2ban-0.11.2.tar.gz missing

by DiscoRob

1,627 Get contacts via command line

by leorosa221

1,629 Unable to connect MySQL roundcube

by Drodriguez

1,633 Iredadmin can not login

by Blisk

1,634 Closed: disable amavis, clamav, spamassassi

by mospan333

1,636 iRedMail and iRed

by bjshallenberger

1,637 Migration from SMEServer

by julianop

1,638 Cant login ssh private key

by flochi1

1,639 Closed: Can't use mail clients

by tallerinfo.cipolletti

1,642 Closed: logs of specific domain admin

by eng.husamit

1,643 Closed: Field type mailQoute for LDAP schema

by Dr0pD0wn

1,644 Closed: Domain quota not working

by pbauer

1,645 Closed: iredapd 2.3 broken on mysql 8

by yourtownonline

1,648 FreeBDs installation fails

by iredmail.mb

1,650 Closed: SOGo is a no-go on FreeBSD

by GerryM