Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?
Thanks for sharing, @centosnoob
Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.You are not logged in. Please login or register.
iRedMail → iRedMail Support → Why are you interested in iRedMail?
Thanks for sharing, @centosnoob
Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.Having search for a solution to replace an Exchange + AD system with an OpenSource solution for a while. Did look at Kerio, Zentyal, Kolab, Kopano, Zimbra and Sogo from their respective free/open version, and also made a deep investigation into the available documentations and forum contents.
So far the iRedmail packaging is the far best I've seen, and answers to almost every questions I come across can be found in the existing iRedMail documentation or on the forum site.
Since all modules are "standard" open source projects, it's easy to find more information for specific issues, like OpenLdap or Postfix elsewhere.
Once I tried the installation and got it up and running in an hour or so, I didn't bother to check the other test systems again. We have now started a project to migrate our Exchange server, and to use OpenLDAP instead of Active directory for our application servers (Gitlab, Confluence, Jira, etc).
Thanks for a really good product.
I was looking for a groupware solution that was using Postfix and Dovecot in the backend, since I wanted to get away from proprietary solutions. I had to be free of charge if I'm willing to do certain tasks myself, since it's only used for non-commercial purposes and my budget isn't big enough for anything costly.
I've been using Zarafa before, but since they changed their product to "Kopano" and won't provide *.deb-files anymore (and compiling from source isn't really documented at all), I first tried building my own solution using docker. It worked reasonably well, but lacked good user-management without tinkering a lot in SQL-databases myself.
After I installed SOGo as a front-end myself and researching some configuration specifics, I stumbled upon iRedMail, and it offers everything I need. So, I scratched my docker-solution and, since my server was pretty clean anyway, gave this a go.
Installation went smoothly and the customization options you have are perfect for me. Also, this software seems pretty actively maintained and has an active community around it, and that was also something I was looking for. Since it comes pre-packaged with SOGo for all my ActiveSync-needs out of the box, it was a perfect fit.
Thanks to ZhangHuangbin and team, well done and I'm looking forward to learning more about this package and keeping it up and running for a long time.
Thank you for sharing, @swejun, @evilstiefel.
Hi, guys.
I was asked to answer this question, and i want to hear from you.
Why are you interested in iRedMail? write down your opinions below please
Easy and fast to deploy without pain?
(one of) the right way to build an open source mail server solution? Most components used in iRedMail are provided by Linux distributions officially. it means iRedMail users can get software update support as long time as the distribution itself.
Great customer support via forum? Installation, migration, intergration.
the project is being supported and actively worked on. @gscott187
have the full participation of the technical community and hence knowledge base benefits. @gscott187
It uses mainstream, tried and tested components. @gscott187
Obviously, all who are interested in good business should use email marketing. On our project - we also use e-marketing to ensure maximum engagement of our customers and get more orders, and iRedMail perfectly copes with these tasks. Thanks to the proper planning of our marketing companies, we achieve excellent results through email marketing
Good luck, Benjamin!
Fast, reliable, open, easy to deploy.
I'd buy a pro version if I could pay a monthly subscription. Pay $500 is too much for one shot.
Easy to deploy, with the trust that the package has everhting you need. Like a modern mailsystem.
dovecot and Postfix are pretty basic, like e-mail. Now a days you need much more then a basic mail system. There is to much other crap that is flying around the internet and it is hard to keep up if this is not your daily business.
Also it is pretty stable and there is a lot of information available because is all open source. iRedMail combines all the necessary open source programs.
This makes iRedMail pretty handy!
I've been wanting to try out iRedMail for awhile but didn't have the chance. When the chance finally came, iRedMail was the first thing I thought of. What I like about it so far:-
1. Streamlined installer. Run the installer, have a cup of coffee and it's ready.
2. Simple UI interface for managing email accounts.
3. Option to choose Apache or Nginx, I went with Nginx
4. Option to choose different backends, I went with MySQL
5. Supports FreeBSD! It's installed on a FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE 64bit VPS
Besides the entire email package of iRedMail, I also manage to run a couple of websites on it. Mainly Wordpress, a WhatsApp Click to Chat site and a Nucleus install. Took some thinkering but everything is working smoothly now.
Kudos to iRedMail devs for making it what it is today.
I wanted to setup my own Mail Server was a project at first but i have a homelab and wanted to setup my own Server running Ubuntu Server 16.04 in a VM.
1 Easy to setup although i have tried other methods.
2 UI looks great although i use Roundcube and a App on my phone called K9 Mail i create users via MariaDB.
3 Get to choose which Web Server to use i choose nginx.
4 Get to chose which database to use i went with MariaDB.
5 Comes with Spamassassin and ClaimAV which is great.
Its grate to deploy whether you're in a Business or a Homelab.
One thing i wlll mention tho is that to fix delayed mail you require to remove Greylisting in /opt/iredapd/
Overall im happy to have my own Mail Server up and running. Great Project.
Happy Server Life.
is source code for iRedMail editable as it is opensource? can I change the iRedMail code like css, logo, html page, some js function or business logic by editing its source code?
I try to find its source code but it seems all packages are encrypted and binaries and deployment scripts are present as open source.
Please if you are aware of this, can you guide me on this.
Thanks in advance.
Mainly for this:
1) Easy and fast to deploy without pain? Yes its very fast
2) Full-featured? yes, i can apply all i need
3) Stable? I am a new user, but I will test with +600 users
Hi, guys.
I was asked to answer this question, and i want to hear from you.
Why are you interested in iRedMail? write down your opinions below please
I'm interested in it, because I want to set up a reliable and safe email server without the hassle of weeks of studying Linux drama only to crater my server.
I used to run my own email server about 20 years ago and now I have the chance to do it again. One feature of iRedMail that interests me is that it uses LDAP, which I could access for other websites I want to setup. I tried installing iRedMail and it was extremely easy; the hardest part was gettng the DNS configured properly and even that wasn't too hard.
I have been evaluating couple of full featured solutions, and now evaluating iRedMail and want to see how stable and secure it is.
1. I really like that it is available for multiple Unix / Linux distros, including OpenBSD
2. I like extensive documentation
3. Really have started enjoying this forum
4. And finally, once I can be done with my testing for stability and security, I really want to upgrade to the PRO version to make my Administering life easier.
This is my first foray into running my own email server, read really good things about iredmail, and will give it a go.
My main reasons for iRedmail:
* It's easy to deploy
* i've seen you have (beta) docker support
* Full featured
* stable
* and it's opensource
Use to host our own exchange in our branch campus but the whole uni has now switched to Google. I still need to have control over a mail server for sending out messages for different projects and purpose. iRedMail looks to me aa a very good option and with very minimal cost yet very good product from what i've been reading.
Its seems very easy to setup lots of packages required for a mail server.
I am a Math teacher and a Linux newb. I decided to dive into creating a professional website with an associated email address to build my teaching career while learning some of the inner workings of computers and the internet. iRedMail seemed like a great way to dive into configuring an email server with some of the gnarlier inner workings obscured by the out-of-the-box installation setup and config.
...that being said, I have a LOT of questions and am looking forward to diving into this forum to get off the ground!
Because Exchange 2010 is out of support, and so is SBS2011. We have to migrate to something, and don’t want a cloud solution.
iRedMail seems to be the simplest, most complete option out there — the other ones are too simplistic and not really under current development (hMail) or require fitting together a bunch of pieces that iRedMail has already integrated for us.
I think you nailed them all!
I'm a fan of open source projects and support the model. If I had to pick one feature that drew me to iRedMail it would probably be that it uses mainstream, tried and tested components. But the support forum is a very close second.
Hi, guys.
I was asked to answer this question, and i want to hear from you.
Why are you interested in iRedMail? write down your opinions below please
Easy and fast to deploy without pain?
(one of) the right way to build an open source mail server solution? Most components used in iRedMail are provided by Linux distributions officially. it means iRedMail users can get software update support as long time as the distribution itself.
Great customer support via forum? Installation, migration, intergration.
the project is being supported and actively worked on. @gscott187
have the full participation of the technical community and hence knowledge base benefits. @gscott187
It uses mainstream, tried and tested components. @gscott187
Our first mail server used postfix and dovecot and we didn't have time to improve our antispam and implement any server antivirus solution. Because we were satisfied with the performance and reliability, we were looking for a solution that would use known components and complement them.
So far, we're getting to know the SOGo webmail we've chosen so we can use CalDAV and CardDAV to sync information.
I just stumbled aross this Nov 2020 when I was looking to install an email server on ubuntu 20.04 lts.
I have been plyaing around with postfix, and have one setup and an internal realy to send out email from applications like ownlcoud and nagios and works great.
So whn I come across iRedmail, installed ona new Ubuntu 20.04LTS vm and everyhting ran straight out of the box, it stable and easy to update.
i ahve alos install webmin and phpmyadmin, and made administration adn updates really easy and without any fuss.
Support forum is great as well got help with disclaimer and spam filters.
So more features could be added to the iRadAdmin, that are not pro features, Switched from Rouncube to Sogo and the instruction in the documetation and forum on how to setup the filters in Sogo were great.
I just developed a global address book for Sogo using mysql and tat wokrs great as well
URL: if anyone is intrested.
Great product keep it up.
Have previously a complete system based on PHAMM + postfix + dovecot. great but hard to maintain , don't understand how to add sieve-pigeon hole etc … server started on a debian 5, updated to debian 7. Stopped when debian 10 come.
I have for another server for professional part. I hire a server manager, but not really happy about serveuice (no sieve for example).
Clean server just updated to debian 10, i want to understand what i do , but have some abitlity to update easily. I check ispconfig and postfixadmin before try iredmail.
Ispconfig : so more than i want, not able to update easily config and understand each config part.
Postifxadmin seems great, but i have difficulty to set it totally (it don't waor)
Ireadmail seems to do what i want (still trying) : mainstream, tried and tested components + work ourt of the box for (only) email.
I am interested in iRedMail because I want to control my own destiny online. I have been "in the game" a long time. I used to run my own e-mail server back from 1995 - 2005 and even offered e-mail boxes for clients. It was a massive chore keeping the e-mail server secure. Then came Google with Gmail. I was an early adopter of Gmail and then Google Apps for Business and steered many clients in that direction.
I am now starting to re-think my strategies and making a shift from Windows Server to Linux / Ubuntu Server for security purposes. It's definitely not the easy route to take. Thankfully, I have a lot of command line experience and I have always kept an open mind about using Linux / Ubuntu. I own an IT and web hosting business and have a few servers online to host websites and other digital operations.
While RoundCube delivers a no frills basic web interface to iRedMail, I would like to see an even more mature and highly functional web based interface, closer to Gmail. I know that is a tall task given the deep pockets & development staff Google has.
iRedMail is definitely a step in the right direction. Keep up the great work with it's development! All the very best!
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