sorry for the long delay, catched a cold. twice. and then had a bunch of work to do, which got stockpiled because of the cold.
# iredmail wishlist
## more hardening
### fail2ban
happy to read that fail2ban is integrated.
would be great to add fail2ban easy configurable so it is easy to setup with shorewall
### extra secure flag
if "extra secure" is selected from the install wizard, non-encrypted protocolls are disabled by default, higher key values are choosen, ...
### ip login whitelist for (admin) accounts
option for preventing super-admin logins from other ips than specified in a special whitelist.
allowing customers to access his own admin account from every/his own ip but locking down the super admin account to my own ips (commer seperated list would help).
why? because this can't be managed on firewall layer, i want to allow logins for all user in the admin but the super-admin must not be accessible from there. maybe also add a seperation on domain layer:
https://admin.mailserver.com the only virtualhost wherefrom superadmin login is possible. https://customeradmin.mailserver.com allows only non-superadmin logins.
### phpmyadmin & phpldap with stronger security
as a other user posted before, apache aliases like phpmyadmin and phpldapadmin should not (must not) be accessible by from the public.
i understand your argument that you want to keep the installer simple, but especially servers from unexpierienced users, who don't know how to secure a server (or even know that they should do that) are likley hacked, because of not secured phpmyadmins and similar.
a good goal would be to provide a secure default setting (blocking all ips but a comma seperated list defined by the user) and add a wiki page how to disable it, not the way you mention it.
it is a good pracitce to first be secure and open up the gates later.
also a domain and a ip layer would be nice. it would be good for all critical services to lock them to specific domains and ports. if you add different ports for different services then the firewall of the users choice can also be used.
### apache server signature
set apache server signature to prod.
debian: /etc/apache2/conf.d/security
its allways good to prevent sniffing
### install php5-suhosin package
good thing for the php software is this small extra package for some extra security.
### key size
>It will check 'default_bits' in openssl.cnf first, if it's greater or equal to 2048, iRedMail will use it. Otherwise, uses 2048.
thank you very much!
## major integrated backup system
### backup & restore
i think, for production useage an integrated backup solution is nessesary. it sould work out of the box and not be a extra to configure feature. cron jobs should be activated by the install script and the backup scripts shoud be also correctly setup by the wizard (right connection parameter).
integrety checking would also be very good.
backup is absolutly nessesary, also for not expierienced user. it should just work and not be optional. if you make a backup optional it will be like no backup.
the restore feature should also be easy and work out of the box.
if i have a servercrash but have my single backup file (containing: iredmail config, vmaildirectory, mysqldb, ldapdb) it could look like that (fresh server):
bash iRedMail.sh --restore-backup=backupfilename.tar.gz
to get the exact state of the mailserver as before.
see also http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic1989 … cript.html
### integrated backup panel (iredmailadmin(pro))
backups are really important. so you should see in the admin if the backups worked or not.
http://www.activecollab.com/docs/manual … ta-backup)
see also http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic1989 … cript.html
### import & export
as i was confronted with a ldap problems see http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic1990 … -work.html i would be happy to have a generic import & export mechanism. as a user i don't care about which db is used or what command is used for backup. as long as it works. in the moment i can't export my user and all the domains and accounts. so i will have to reenter them again by hand if the copy of the ldap dir don't work. for such cases a generic xml export of all the data would be perfect.
why that? because massimport and export is then possible, you can migrate from ldap to mysql version or the otherway round. you have a generic, human readable backup of all your users, you don't have to deal with databases you don't know.
## database abstraction
don't stick with mysql. i started to code php 1998, my first php project had a database abstaction layer for mysql and postgres. i would really be happy, if not all opensource projects stick to mysql in a time where really enough good database abstaction layers and orms are available.
why postgres? because its major database which supports assyncron syncing in 9.0 and has syncron syncing features in 9.1
this is future oriented, loadbalanceable and clusterable.
## +1
+1 for dspam
+1 for nginx
+1 for custom database server selection (inside the wizard)
+1 Users can maintain their own whitelists and blacklists
+1 Users can manage their own content filtering settings
+1 for outgoing mail
+1 lockdown "by IP/hostname" of phpmyadmin and phpldapadmin-directories would be nice
+1 calendar functions
## replies
>I prefer to keep installation wizard as simple as possible, then provide additions FAQs to help admins achieve other features.
make two wizard modes, a simple one and an advanced one but always choose the auto-secure option in the simple wizard.
## puppet installation "support"
puppet recipe to get the mailserver up and running (i am trying to write one)
some of the backup features are implemented (missed to subscribe my own topic http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic1989 … ript.html) see the answers from ZhangHuangbin there