542 Always Forward option & Gmail

by chris.23lo

544 Closed: iRedmail and 2FA

by mmwidz

545 roundcube-password_recovery

by yaroslavkhmel

549 spam_lover=N

by chris.23lo

550 Closed: Export "Sent Emails" (wich db?)

by cfernandez

551 POST request

by AntonLazouski

553 Sogo theme color

by chris.23lo

554 Reset password from CLI

by chris.23lo

557 External auth

by s.sari

560 TimeZone for Brazil

by rd1218

563 Cannot send emails to Gmail

by samuelms2612

564 Note install iRedMail-0.9.9

by StormInYourSoul

566 Closed: Internal Server Error, iredadmin login

by osakanataro

569 Upgrade iRedmail version

by rukraj.pereira

570 Closed: Warning: non-SMTP command

by Kurkin