Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?


I'm a Journalist and looking for privacy and journalist protection, thus I want my own mail server. Also, I'm interested because of all of the options you mentioned in 1-8.

Also, I'm hoping to be able to make this end-to-end encrypted, is there any solution for this, please? How to store all the contacts, emails, and attachments, and titles of emails in encrypted form on the server. Thus if the server gets hacked, nothing will be accessible to the hacker. I want the highest possible encryption implementation and my threat model is making this three-letter agency proof, please?

Tnx and best of luck


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.

102 (edited by montanelli 2021-03-23 21:59:28)

Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

IMHO, can't be done, fully, on a server level from 3 letter folks.

Use in-client encryption.

Still, if your workstation or your recipient's workstation gets compromised, its out.

Use signal, for confidential periods reduce disappearing messages to 5 or 10 seconds after making sure your phone backups and syncs are OFF.

And type in pig latin. hahahaha. jk on the pig latin.

blonde wrote:


I'm a Journalist and looking for privacy and journalist protection, thus I want my own mail server. Also, I'm interested because of all of the options you mentioned in 1-8.

Also, I'm hoping to be able to make this end-to-end encrypted, is there any solution for this, please? How to store all the contacts, emails, and attachments, and titles of emails in encrypted form on the server. Thus if the server gets hacked, nothing will be accessible to the hacker. I want the highest possible encryption implementation and my threat model is making this three-letter agency proof, please?

Tnx and best of luck


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

looking for an open source email server (or maybe even paid for a reasonable price) that supports SAML or oauth authentication and a sane (read: super easy) installation & upgrade process.

preferably a fully featured solution (all components included).


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

Hello brother.

First, it's easy to deploy. I wouldn't think of learning how to configure manually all the pieces.

And of course, it's open source!


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

It's free, it's easy to deploy, however, you may run into troubles if you dig deeper. There is much under the hood.


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

Jochy wrote:

It's free, it's easy to deploy, however, you may run into troubles if you dig deeper. There is much under the hood.

What "troubles" are we talking about here?


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

I use IredMail for personal and private email maintenance. And the pro version for solutions of SME, school etc... I find Iredmail particularly stable and especially in Open Source. The only integration problem is with an ldap server. But otherwise in cases it works without any problem especially with Sogo which allows to have a solution of type exchange.


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

I am using iRedMail for private email hosting. used Google G-Suite at first, but that will go away in its current form in couple of months.
Although I do think it is fair of Google to ask money for certain services (that involve keeping compute/storage resources running) the new pricing structure just was not viable for my use.
So evaluated some OpenSource options and iRedMail looked to tick all the boxes.

Initial setup really easy, and loads of good documentation out there including some folks who when through the trouble of creating really decent "setup instruction videos". (Thanks Tony Teaches Tech)

The only thing is I cannot seem to find some good "best practices" documents / information when it comes down to improving anti-spam, anti-virus and blocking of extensions and security in general. (I think that is also what Jochy might be talking about)

But will start asking these questions in the Forum (if not asked before), so hopefully will get is a bit better secured.

Thanks! for the great software!!


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

As for me, I got interested in it as a mail server for a relatively small company that doesn't want to use cloud services. Hoping this will finally work for me (after I resolve my post-installation problems). Thank you for your hard work on this project.


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

I was interested in a easy to configure e-mail server that will be mostly used so that my virtual machines can send me reports / notifications. I got it configured nicely however I am on dynamic IP and my rdns is not matching so most of the big e-mails won't talk to me by default.

I got all that I needed from iRedMail.

Thank you!

Kindest regards.



Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

The main reason I chose iredmail was because of the complete package setup.


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

I have already rented many email servers here in Brazil and they all had instability problems.

I don't know how to set up a server, but I found this tutorial on the internet: https://www.linuxbabe.com/mail-server/u … ail-server

I followed it step by step and it just worked. Very simple. I set up my own server and now I have no more problems.

Thx iRedMail.


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

Looking for an open source solution for automated systems to send emails.  Google keeps cutting off our proxy email address because the volume is too high when a power outage restores and 1,000 HVAC sensors all email our maintenance guys at the same instant.

I'm hoping iRedMail can solve the problem for us!


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

I currently have unlimited emails with my current ISP but I need to find a way to bring the emails onto my own PC in case I need to change ISP's But still keep my emails and webspace.
I have an old PC which I have changed to Ubuntu but I need to find and use a mail server that can interface with Outlook clients.


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

iRedMail is a great mail server on Linux. However, I am encountering issue now with 1.6.2: cannot login iRedAdmin. Always get "Login Required" redirect :-(


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

It's a simple solution to setting up a mail server is why I picked iRedMail. I can remember setting up my own mail servers in the past and having to install & configure all the needed components separately - it was time-consuming to say the least.


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

brandonpoc wrote:

I am interested in iRedMail because, after having been involved in administering Linux systems since 1996, I am tired of having to spend two weeks to setup a fully featured functioning mail system. Having done this for 14 years, I have seen the increase in difficulty of getting a dozen different programs to work together in order to have a fully functioning mail system that supports many many features.

A bare basic install seems simple; install qmail, link it with spamassassin and a virus scanner, setup a POP3 and IMAP server, and put up SquirrelMail or RoundCube and you're ready to go. But in reality it's a major pain the butt. All of these products are developed by different people and, on varying distros, provide a challenge when there are different paths and configurations and different flags passed to the compiler, etc. Throw on top of that the need for authentication and LDAP and multiple webmail systems and a calendar and virtual users and virtual domains and many other things, and it quickly becomes overwhelming.

It's easy then to just purchase a commercial all-in-one setup, and I would do that at times depending on the install. Another good free full-featured setup was 'qmail toaster' but there are a lot of issues compiling and configuring this on some systems as it's not as actively developed (if not at all) as it should be.


I chose iRedMail because it is actively developed, is quick to configure and setup (relatively) and even has a Linux distribution with it pre-installed ready to go out of the box, and is full featured. I have had some issues with it but it's mainly because I am unfamiliar with postfix. I am learning how to properly modify postfix and amavisd and policyd configuration files and it is becoming easier.

If iRedMailAdmin was more featured in order to allow easy configuration of postfix, policyd and amavisd (as well as spamassassin rules for it), it would be much better. Also an easy e-mail alias/forward system would be nice. Qmail Toaster did all of this. I'd like to see it here!

Thanks for the great product and keep it up. If I continue to find use for it I'll buy the professional package/setup. $99 is very fair!



This message from Brandon sums up all that I had to say, word to word.


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

Im using iredmail primarily because i am privacy focused. I am slowly moving off the free services (previously a gsuite user). After the google story came out about google notifying the authorities about a person taking pictures of their infant child and they sent the police to their house, i realized my data isnt actually mine if its stored on the google infrastructure.

I am moving my data back to self hosted. I have since migrated off of google drive and photos with a synology nas, and have moved my mail over from google to iredmail.

I really appreciate the efforts undertaken in this project. I would like to contribute in a small way, maybe $20 a year or so just as a thank you for the small time folks like myself.

As a side note, i can tell you after operating and self hosting all of these applications, it has made me better at my job as well (i work in info tech).


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

I am interested in iRedmail because I needed to replace my home mail server that was based on Kolab and Ubuntu.
Since I migrated my Server to pure Debian, it was not possible for me to go forward with Kolab as it was not yet running on either Debian 12 or 11.
I then researched and analyzed on the net what the possible alternatives might be. So an open source system that I myself could manage on my home server with dynamic, non-dockerized addressing, using LDAP.
After installing and testing half a dozen Mail Servers, the choice was between iRedMail and Modoboa. I don't want to talk about the features of Modoboa; we are on an iRedMail Forum here, so I will say why I decided to use it.
Ease of installation and configuration
Dual Interface for WebMail
Definitely good documentation that also covers (kudos for this) how to make configurations without using iRedAdminPro but on Terminal or/and using PhPMyAdmin for example.


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

Easy to use and cross-platform.


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?


after  seeing all the response , am eager to use it.  Now am using zimbra community  8.8.15. Can i import  ldap data  from  zimbra  to Ired mail Pro.

what about TAT  for paid support?

I have sent two mail asking for 1 month trail, no one replied. expecting reply.



Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

Hi Zhang Huangbin

Good Morning.

I have send two mails to support asking for 1 month  trial, also posted on forum. What is the TAT for any ticket.

Presently we are using ZImbra 8.8.15 community. can i migrate users with password to Iredmail pro.?


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

prassadh.pn wrote:

I have send two mails to support asking for 1 month  trial, also posted on forum. What is the TAT for any ticket.

Presently we are using ZImbra 8.8.15 community. can i migrate users with password to Iredmail pro.?

Replied your email. smile


Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

Main interest in iRedMail has to do with ongoing problems we are having with email on a shared host where sometimes outgoing, sometimes incoming emails are intermittently getting flagged as spam.

We do no spam/mass emailing of any kind.  The spam tagging apparently has to do with other users on the same shared host and apparently the IP address rotation that is feature of shared hosting environments.

What we're hoping to achieve with self-hosted is the ability to have more control over what gets tagged as spam incoming/outgoing, as well as white- and black-listing.

Still testing, so time will tell, but any clues as to whether we're on the right path with iRedMail are welcome.

125 (edited by AndreyEver 2025-01-07 14:59:30)

Re: Why are you interested in iRedMail?

zimbra community  8.8.15 is still commonly used. I think kind of converter (users and mails) would be in demand