3,068 MySQL backend with external ldap auth

by ahfas.annahri

3,072 Closed: LDAP unsupported dictionary type:ldap

by hunkiat

3,074 Closed: [RESOLVED] Job for rsyslog.service failed

by rombosgt

3,075 Closed: Safe to Update OS?

by psinetworks

3,077 Closed: 502 Bad Gateway / PHP / fpm.sock missing

by Ice-Cue

3,078 Plus symbol in email address

by koval.roma

3,079 iRedMail with SAML2

by rgt

3,080 Closed: Locking down with Mailroute

by jmartindf

3,081 Closed: Issue with Netdata on subdomain

by radpost

3,084 Closed: Trouble connecting to EAS

by nowhere99

3,086 Update from v0.9.6 to 1.2

by christophk

3,087 Bounced SPAM Logics.

by tedsje

3,090 Quota update

by slovenka